KULPS Culture path

City of Espoo - KULPS Culture Path

The Gallen-Kallela Museum is a KULPS destination. We offer content from pre-school age to upper secondary level. In addition to the traditional museum tour, we offer services that can be booked during the visit, from board games to nature paths.

For instructions on how to book a visit, click here.

Read more about the Kulps Culture Path on the City of Espoo website.

Tarvaspää museum tour

For all ages

The tour takes you through the history and the secrets of the studio castle and provides basic information about the artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela and about his life. The most interesting works and details are selected from the current exhibition.

Duration approx. 45 min.

Guided tour to current exhibition

You can check the current exhibition on the museum's website. The tours are tailored to the age group.

Duration approx. 45 min.

Available on request during the visit

  • Nature path (in Finnish)
  • Akselin aarteet board game (in Finnish)
  • Akselin askelissa mobile game (in Finnish)

Culture path for upper secondary education

The City of Espoo's Culture path for upper secondary education offers free art and cultural experiences for students both during the study day and in their free time.

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Öljymaalaus, järvimaisema. Keskellä vehreä saari, etualalla vesistö, joka heijastaa taivaalla olevia pilviä. Taivas vaalean sininen, paljon valkoisia ja sinisiä pilviä.

KULPS Culture path

The service is aimed at schools and educational institutions participating in the City of Espoo Cultural Path. Find out about the museum's contents and book a visit for your group.

KULPS (pre-primary education to lower secondary education)

Culture path for upper secondary education

Kalevalan tarinasta kertova öljymaalaus, jossa Lemminkäisen äiti on kyyristynyt kuolleen poikansa Lemminkäisen ruumiin ääreelle Tuonelan joen varrelle. Taustalla tumma joki sekä Tuonelan joutsen.

Educational materials

The section includes easy exercises suitable for all age groups as well as a set of exercises and videos for basic education students, vocational institution students and general upper secondary school students.

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Educational materials

Gallen-Kallela Museum

Designed and built by artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1865-1931), the Tarvaspää Studio Castle presents temporary exhibitions of the art and life of Gallen-Kallela and his contemporaries, as well as contemporary art. The museum offers a wide range of activities and events and serves as a centre of information on Akseli Gallen-Kallela.

Welcome to meet Akseli Gallen-Kallela, an artist who is both familiar and unknown!

Coffee & Culture

Cafe Zoceria Tarvaspää