Loans for Exhibitions

The Gallen-Kallela Museum lends objects, works and other materials from its collections for exhibition purposes to professional institutions who can guarantee safe conditions throughout the loan process.

Museum acts as a centre of information on Akseli Gallen-Kallela and we collaborate frequently with other museums, researchers, private art collectors and auction houses. On request, we will forward enquiries to private collections that have expressed a wish to loan works for exhibitions.

The loan process must begin at least 6 months before the start of the loan period and starts with a survey of the materials in the collections. Together we will find interesting materials for your exhibition. A useful resource for planning a loan request is the is a search service that collects material from hundreds of Finnish organisations under one roof. You can browse our collections from this link.

The condition of the loaned materials must be monitored by conservator as a condition of the loan. Preliminary loan requests should be addressed to the museum's Head of Collections.

Once preliminary loan negotiations have been completed, the official loan requests are submitted in writing to the Museum Director of the Gallen-Kallela Museum.

The loan request must include:

  • the name of the institution
  • the name, date and location of the exhibition
  • the desired loan period, including transport
  • the names and inventory numbers of the objects to be loaned

For staff contact details, please follow this link.

Öljymaalaus, järvimaisema. Keskellä vehreä saari, etualalla vesistö, joka heijastaa taivaalla olevia pilviä. Taivas vaalean sininen, paljon valkoisia ja sinisiä pilviä.

Browse Our Collections

Finna is a joint search service for Finnish museums, libraries and archives that brings together the materials of hundreds of domestic operators under one search.

Find out more about the museum's collection by clicking on this link.

Correspondence between Akseli Gallen-Kallela and Johannes Öhquist in Finna.

Muotokuva Axel Gallénista tupakka hyppysissä, otettu Helsingissä 1890. Gallen-Kallelan ilme on vakava ja hän nojaa kädellään tuolin käsinojaan.

Explore Our Photo Collection on Flickr

The museum has published wide collection of  images from the Akseli Gallen-Kallela's photo collection on Flickr.

Explore more


Gallen-Kallela Museum

Designed and built by artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1865-1931), the Tarvaspää Studio Castle presents temporary exhibitions of the art and life of Gallen-Kallela and his contemporaries, as well as contemporary art. The museum offers a wide range of activities and events and serves as a centre of information on Akseli Gallen-Kallela.

Welcome to meet Akseli Gallen-Kallela, an artist who is both familiar and unknown!

Coffee & Culture

Cafe Zoceria Tarvaspää