Museum Staff Contact Details

Postal and visiting address

Gallen-Kallela Museum
Gallen-Kallelan tie 27
02600 Espoo

Phone: +358 10 40 688 40
Email: info(at)


Museum Director

Tuija Wahlroos

Phone: +358 10 40 688 45
Email: tuija.wahlroos(at)

Head of Collections

Elias Djupsjö (temp. starting from 8.3.2024)
Salla Tiainen (leave of absence)

Phone: +358 10 40 688 42
Email: elias.djupsjo(at) / salla.tiainen(at) (leave of absence)

Exhibitions Manager

Anne Pelin

Phone: +358 10 40 688 43
Email: anne.pelin(at)

Customer service

Anu Kaarina Hämäläinen

Phone: +358 10 40 688 40
Email: info(at)

Museum Educator

Minna Turunen

Phone: +358 10 40 688 46
Email: minna.turunen(at)'

Museum Technician

Seppo Haatainen

Phone: +358 10 40 688 41
Email: seppo.haatainen(at)

Gallen-Kallela Museum

Designed and built by artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1865-1931), the Tarvaspää Studio Castle presents temporary exhibitions of the art and life of Gallen-Kallela and his contemporaries, as well as contemporary art. The museum offers a wide range of activities and events and serves as a centre of information on Akseli Gallen-Kallela.

Welcome to meet Akseli Gallen-Kallela, an artist who is both familiar and unknown!

Coffee & Culture

Cafe Zoceria Tarvaspää